Asava fort/Killa Trek guide

Fort Info

Name:- Asawa/ Asava

Height:- 1080ft

Place:- Boisar, Maharashtra, India

Difficulty:- Moderate

Distance:- 95km from Mumbai

Trek Duration:- 1hr 30min Max/1hr 15min minimum

Personal Experience

Started my journey to Asava/ Asawa fort which is situated in Boisar, Palghar District at 6:00@m early morning as I always prefer to go Solo but while watching my blogs and vlogs on my You Tube channel “Desirambler” they also came with me so the joy of Trekking gets more, it was and it is the time of Corona pandemic so there were few restrictions like lack of Road Transport and it was complete shutdown of Railway so Personal Vehicle was the best choice, 2 bikes for 3 person including me, our road trip started from the place where we met in Mumbai, as per the Google map it showed 2hr 36min, but with the descent speed and empty road we reached in 2hrs, the real confusion was to find the road to Fort through Village Warangade, it took 15 mins to find the actual way. we started our trail by 9:00 am after having breakfast.

You will find no parking facility near the fort, you can park bike or car in the Village on your own risks, we parked our bikes at the starting point of the trek which was 10 mins away from the Warangade Village, if you still got confused in finding the way through the village first reach near Viraj Industry which is the biggest industry at that place.

Don’t ever judge the difficulty of the Trek by its height, because I did so and got trapped in climbing the 2nd and final mountain by underestimating the way. as compare to my previous trek experience the climb was with rocks and the rocks gives legs support to climb, but at this fort the climb was full of slippery rocky way which gave our legs lots of tension to climb.

Me and my Frnds

Plz don’t forget to bring enough water bottles, I recommend 3liters per person and dehydration pills if possible, carry non oily snacks as I suggest in my every Trek, on the other hand no Stores for water and snacks in between the way, the trail is full of Woodland forest with no air flowing in summer,

No chances of getting lost in the jungle because the villagers have marked arrow like picture on some countable rocks in the way to help the trekkers like us to find the route,

Me and my friends experienced a lot of humidity in the Climate, as i told you before there were no store in between the trail to buy water or snacks so i suggest to drink water sip by sip because the sweat i drained was incredible after 45mins of trekking my shirt was full of sweat so we decided to take our first break, i changed my shirt we had some non oily snacks and drank water our break last for 20 min which was a big one, now there was only on mountain to climb and this was the steepest one with slippery rocky way as i told you before, time comes when the climb becomes so hard that you lose self motivation and think of quiting the trek but you have to believe in yourself and keep trying look at th top the saffron colored flag and imagine yourself at that same place holding flag this thinking will energize your mind and allow the body to move forward, still 45 min still to climb after taking break, this time we found two local people climbing the fort as we were moving forward, as it was the occasion of Mahashivratri so they were going for worshiping Shiva Temple at the fort. They told us some interesting facts about the fort and some special places to Visit like the cave and the water stream which is 365 days of supply fresh chilling water as compare to us they lot more experienced in Climbing mountains because they were 15 to 20 years elder then us, i have always noticed that the final 100 steps remaining are the tougher steps to Climb.

Below are the few pics clicked inside the fort

After reaching the top i saw that this fort is not big enough to roam and take rest as there no place to rest Like other big forts Like Mahuli, Sindhudurg fort and Prabhalgad, we decided to take to walk around the fort to see what it has like we found 4 water tank of which 1 was huge as you can see at the below picture and small Temple, small cannon many of the monuments was flushed away due to heavy rains and also no protection facility made by Government to protect it. the cave ans water stream as i mentioned was build in between the Climbing way but at the other side which was impossible to descent and Climb again because there is only one way to exit the fort if you are First time trekker at this fort like me, we spend 1hr at the fort at the raging sun was on our head which made us exhausted and Hungry, started our exiting way as soon as possible because our water supply was going to end soon, it was much difficult to go down because there were no support of rocks or any tree and the way was too steep, if unfortunately some thing happens and we slide down it could hurt us Badly. in 1 Hr we reach the start point and exited the place in hurry because we all were starving like hell.

In between of the road we found a place which was amazing to watch and even to swim the best thing I do. It is the place where the rain water had been stored limitlessly.

To watch my full Experience video visiting Asawa fort click the given link below.

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Sindhudurg fort”Malvan Killa”

To watch Full video on Sindhudurg fort click the link below…………

Malvan Fort Bird eye view

Fort Info

Name:- Sindhudurg fort/ Malvan Fort

Place:- Maharashtra, India

Controllers:- Maratha Empire/ Government of India

Area:- 48acres


Sindhudurg fort took around 3 years to get complete (1664-1667), it was built with the help of 200 Vaddera people, by using 4000 pounds of lead in casting and foundation stones were firmly laid down. The total area of the fort is around 48acres, along with 2 mile (3km) long rampart, the protection wall surrounded all over the corners of the fort is 30feet (9.1m) high and 12 feet thick. The walls are made in such a way that no one could pinpoint it from outside.

Sindhudurg fort

How to reach

If you are starting your journey from Maharashtra or from any other state the place you have to reach is Malvan it is very famous city in Maharashtra specially known for the Tourism’s, if you are planning to travel by Train the nearest Railway station is to reach is Kankavli by Konkan Railways, after leaving the station you will find many options to reach Malvan, like Auto-rickshaw, St bus and Six seater or even you can prebook the pickupride from the Hotel in which you are going to stay if the service available, and the nearest airport is Goa Airport after that the same options as mentioned during railways.

Konkan Railway
Goa Airport

Personal Experience

I was enjoying my Konkan region trip in my Village named Apaiwadi, Munge for 4 days, Sindhudurg fort was in my plan list, so the day came on which I was going to Sindhudurg fort I started my journey from the Village known as Munge village, I had company of my Younger brother Nirav we had to catch St bus from the Village High School known as Bhagwati High School at 8:30, it took 45 mins to reach near the Malvan market.

After reaching in market we have to still walk for 10 mins to reach Malvan beach, that’s not the actual place to visit to enter the fort, still one transport to go which is from boat, in few years Tourism of Malvan is well organized by transport, Hotels and water sports it is always a trend mark for fresh seafood but now when is saw after many years it was totally changed, big ferry’s was established to reach the fort with proper timings and safety.

Entering Malvan beach

Tickets cost around INR 180 for 2 of us which means INR 90 Per person, it was also a return ticket but in return journey you can catch any boat that is available at the Spot. After deboarding the boat it’s time to enter the Fort the feeling of entering the fort was amazing the entrance way was made in such a way that the enemies will be noticed immediately by the Martha’s watchgaurds without letting enemies know. Before entering the gate there is a temple of Hanuman known for the blessing of power.

Main gate entrance
Hanuman temple

Just after stepping inside the fort there is a Fort Map to get an idea of the route, fort has many indoor stores with proper food to eat like Chinese, seafood etc so there is no problem.of starvation nor of getting thirsty, you might be getting worried about the highly sweat making sun ray’s but there is a solution you will also find hat and clothes stores inside the fort, this fort has total of 12 points to be watched for that there is price, after walking for 10 mins a small ticket counter is placed where you can buy ticket to watch all the fort attractions.

One amazing creation made by the Maratha engineer’s in Finding the fresh water stream in between the island which is surrounded by salty sea water which is preety amazing, in the period of 1667 many people leaved inside the fort depending on the basic necessities like water and farming more than 15 fresh water wells was made buy the locals for the survival’s.

Food stalls
Clothings store
Ticket Counter
Shiva Temple
Fresh water well 1
Fresh water well 2

It was too hot 🔥 that day, thanks to my brother he advised me to wear sleeveless t-shirt on top which really helped that time, beacause you have to roam the entire fort which doesn’t have any covering on top, the last attraction was a museum which was too good, even getting inside to have to pay charge with was INR 5.


we spendes 2 and half hour completing all the attractions. While leaving the fort we decided to have lunch inside the fort stall but the price was high as compared to the hotels at the market so we skipped the plan of lunch and reached at the boat station,

Fort Inside view
Exiting fort
Boat station

Below are some memories

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To watch Full video on Sindhudurg fort click the link below…………

Karnala fort and Bird Scantuary (guide)

Click the link below for the full video of personal experience visiting Karnala Fort

Fort Info

  • Height:- 439m (1,440ft)
  • Place:- Panvel, Maharashtra, India
  • Open:- 6am to 6pm
  • Distance:- 59km from  Andheri, Mumbai
  • Difficulty:- easy


Karnala fort is for beginners with easy level of trek, not confusing at all no chances of getting lost, best place to visit with family and friends, you will find cleanliness all around with no plastics or any kind of garbage thrown, birds chearping on every corner and non polluted oxygen to breathe a good experience to achieve.

Karnala Fort

How to reach

If you stay in Mumbai or nearby Mumbai it is very easy to travel the fort, I travelled on my own bike distance of  59km from Andheri, Mumbai which took 2hrs of travel time in morning without traffic, public transport is also an option the nearest railway station to reach is Panvel station from there you can rent a Rickshaw for further journey till the fort, rates varies from season to season. No Airport is available the nearest airport is Mumbai International Airport which is 59km away from the fort, Local Cabs is the best option to reach fort.

Sharing some pics, when I visited Karnala fort

Climbing the stairs
Water tank
Inside the Fort
Inside the Fort 2
Steep way
View from the top
Pinnacle point
View from the top 2
Saffron Flag

Thing’s to Carry

Safety comes first don’t fill up Ur backpack so that it becomes difficult to climb specially when it comes to rocky patches always carry minimum amount of products like 2 liters of water, some non oily snacks (2 or 3 packets), Power bank if needed, First Aid like bandages and antiseptic liquid, Face towel etc. Don’t forget to wear Trekking shoes and lite clothes like shorts and sweat shirt which is the best option.

Rules and Regulations

If you are planning to travel beautiful and amazing places like This pls follow some basic rules. You have to submit some amount eg: INR 200 if you are carrying any kind of plastics, deposit will be returned if you show them that you didn’t throw your plastic wrappers by showing them again while you exit the gate.

  • Follow the rules
  • Don’t throw plastics or Garbage
  • Don’t write your names on the Historic or any place
  • Don’t harm Animals or Birds
  • Don’t drink or smoke
  • Assist other people if needed

Things to do

Bird watching is one of the best things to do, Karnala Bird  Scantuary is home for 222 birds species of which 161 are resident species, 46 are migrant species 3 species are breeding migrant 7 species are passage migrants and 5 species are vagrant.

Below are list of some Birds

Greater Coucal
Indian Pond-Heron
Crested Serpent-Eagle
Green Bee-eater

Trekking till the top of fort is also a great idea, It is One day trip, I suggest you to Travel in  weekdays when the crowd is less, 2hrs of Trail not a difficult one easy steps, little tough in-between the rock climb, It is always very hard to trail through the forest because you will find there is no wind blowing by the trees, but as soon as the Forest trail ends you will feel endless amount of Air passing through you which will help you to Trek further, no water facility or stores on the way, so carry your own water bottles and snacks, you will get to know some interesting historical places and monuments inside the fort, Water tanks, secret door known as Chor darwaja, you will feel amaze when you reach at top, you can take breaks in between to drink water and eat but don’t throw any garbage, when you will reach at top there are very few places to roam not a big fort as compared to other fort’s in Maharashtra like Mahuli fort and Lohagad.

Click the link below for the full video of personal experience visiting Karnala Fort.

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Mahuli trek with full guide

Below link is my trek video with full guide

Overview Fort:- Mahuli
Place:- Shahpur, Asangaon, Maharashtra, India
Elevation:- 2815ft above sea level
Trek mode:- moderate

Start I started my journey from Andheri, Mumbai at 6:15@m the estimated time to reach Shahpur was 2hrs without traffic, I invited my friend named Joshua for trek and he accepted my invitation, For a change we thaught for not spending extra money in petrol which could be used in our essential things like water and food we decided to move on Joshua’s bike which was KTM 390, We spend INR 400 on petrol (return trip), total distance to travel was 69km till Mahuli fort entrance.

Mahuli fort gate entrance

Essential things The essential things we took was 3liters of water for each person, some non oily snacks like baked wafers, peanuts etc, Face towel and med-kit which is important for any unfortunate incidences, Small knife and one Lighter, Power bank for our smart phones.

After Reaching We reached infront of Mahuli entrance gate at 8@m, then we decide to park the bike at safe place and regenerate our energy by having some breakfast and refreshing drink like tea, there was a narrow off road going towards one small farmhouse which was owned by two old partners  along with some workers, we parked our bike with their permission and entered their farmhouse for some thing to eat, we ordered Kanda Poha (Maharashtrian dish), and two cups of Tea.

Total cost:- Kandapoha:- INR 25 each
Tea:- INR 10 each
Parking:- INR 10

Which was much reasonable then 2star or 3star hotel.

Kanda Poha

Trek Begins After eating tasty 😋 breakfast we started our journey toward the fort at 8:30, 10min of walking and we found, the Ticket counter from where we had to buy entry ticket was closed for no reason, then we saw gate was open so we entered and carried our journey forward. After walking forward there was a bridge which was on the way from where two ways gets seperated one goes towards the Water fall and other towards the fort.

Left (towards fort) & Right (towards waterfall)

Way towards fort begins with the rocky steps and green trees all around us, I found that we stepped the rocky stairs till we reached our first patch which we climbed in around 30min. It is said that “Ur beginning always hides Ur end first 30 mins of our climb which was exhausting beacause inside the jungle we found no air which can help us to climb the steps more faster, it was the time to take our first break.

Place we took our first break
Rocky steps

There were no steps further as there was no dense forests but we found a good news that we felt good amount not air blowing around which helped us to move faster, after climb and climb and climb finally we crossed first mountain but wait 2 more mountain’s to go so climb climb and climb it was time to take our second break, 2 liters of water was finished and 4 liters were still left with us we had some snacks for energy and moved on, but the view we saw was outstanding.

Pinnacle point’s
Second mountain
Big Black Rock

Now there was a time when steep way begins I recommend to wear safety shoes and don’t risk Ur life in doing silly things for just to click pictures, more 45 mins to go we recognised that after getting near the way is getting more steeper and riskier, one ladder was placed to climb but you will find that the ladder can only be used by one person at a time beacause the condition of the ladder was not that strong that it can hold more than single person weight. So planned to climb the ladder one by one with taking any risk of life.

Steap way
Rock climbing
Single ladder

More 15min to walk and then the Saffron coloured flag at Summit point, the 15 Min way was simple as imagined and the feeling of succes was magical.

At the Top

We reached at top in 2 hrs 10:30am with an average speed, then we decided to move toward the fort which was at the middle of mountain with out roaming inside the fort there was no use of climbing such big mountain way towards inside the fort was easy and straight we found one water tank in-between the way. But the water stored in it was stunted and full of bacterias and Insects beacause it was stored by rain water with no entry and exit for it, the only way to use this water was to wash the face and hands to Did it.

Water tank

After getting fresh we found a board which shows the way towards the fort after a small descendent, the fort thing I saw was the Statue of India’s greatest king of all time “CHHATRAPATI SHIVAJI MAHARAJ” with honour, there was another stream of water which was so clear and refreshing it was safe to drink because the flow of water was continues and the water didint smell at all there was a small cave like place which was perfectly designed for resting and having some thing to eat so we did not waster any time and took some rest by laying down inside the places which was cooler then outer temperature.

Board showing way towards fort
Inside view
Fresh stream of drinking water
Resting place
Idol of King
Shiva Ling Temple
Mahadarwaja (Big door)
From inside resting place

After taking a short nap there was time to leave this beautiful place with beautiful memories,

Want to watch video regarding this place click the below link which is based on my self experience from the Mahuli trek

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Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve

You will also like my previous post on list given below


Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve in Chandrapur district of Maharashtra is The oldest and Largest Wild life National Park in State. It is one amongst India’s 43 Tiger Reserve. It is Maharashtra’s oldest and largest national park. Created in 1955, the reserve includes the Tadoba National Park and the Andhari Wildlife Sanctuary. The reserve consists of 577.96 sqkm (223.15 Sqmi) of reserved forest and 32.51 sqkm (12.55 Sqmi) of protected forest.

The name Tadoba is from the name of the God Tadoba who was also called Taru, he was praised by the tribal people who lived in the dense forests of the Todoba. Legend hold that Taru was a village chief who was killed in a mythological encounter with a Tiger. A shrine dedicated to the God Taru now exists beneath a huge tree, on the banks of the Tadoba lake.


Legend hold that Taru was a village chief killed in mythology encounter with a Tiger. Taru was diefied and a shrine dedicated to Taru now exists beneath large tree on the banks of Tadoba Lake. The temple is frequented by adivasis, especially during a fair held annually in the Hindu month of Pausha (Dec-Jan). The Gond King’s once ruled these forests in the vicinity of the Chimur hills. Hunting was banned in 1935. Two decades later, in 1955, 116.54 sqkm (45.00sqmi) of this forest area was declared a national park. Andhari Wildlife Sanctuary was created in the adjacent forests in 1986. In 1995, the park and the sanctuary were merged to establish the present Tiger reserve.


Tadoba Andhari Reserve is the largest national park in Maharashtra. The total area of the reserve is 625.4 sqkm (241.5sqmi). This include Tadoba National Park, with an area of 116.55sqkm (45sqmi) and Andhari Wildlife Sanctuary with an area 508.85 sqkm (196.47Sqmi). The reserve also includes 32.51 sqkm (12.55sqmi) of protected forest and 14.93sqkm (5.76sqmi) of uncategorised land.

To the south-west is the 120 hectares (300acres) Tadoba lake which acts as buffer between the parks forest and the extensive farmland which extends up to Irai water reservoir. This lake is a perennial water source which offers a good habitat for Muggar Crocodiles to thrive. Other wetland areas within the reserve include Kolsa Lake and the Andhari river.

Tadoba reserve covers the Chimur Hills, and the Andhari sanctuary covers the Moharli and Kolsa ranges. It is bounded on the Northern and Western sides by densely forested hills. Thick forests are relieved by smooth meadows and deep valleys as the terrain slopes from north to south. Cliffs, talus and caves provide refuge for several animal. The two forested rectangles are formed of the Tadoba and Andhari ranges. The south part of the park is less hilly than the remainder.

Tadoba lake
Kolsa lake
Andhari river


Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve in Tadoba is a predominantly southern tropical dry forest with dense woodlands comprising about 87% of the protected area. The most popular species of the trees are Teak and Bamboo in this forest. Others trees include.

  • Ain(Crocodile bark)
  • Bija
  • Dhauda
  • Hald
  • Salai
  • Semal
  • Tendu
  • Behede
  • Hirda
  • Karaya Gum
  • Mahua Madhuca
  • Lannea coromandelica
  • Bamboo thickets
  • Climber Kach Kujali (Velvet bean)
  • Bheria
  • Bija
  • Beheda

Axlewood is a fire resistant species growing here. Palas or flame of the forest adds vibrant colour of the forest, Black plum trees grow in the riparian habitat around the lake. At the waterhole at Panchadara, huge Arjun tree’s are seen, Green grass is found throughout the reserve.

Black plum
Bamboo plant
Velvet bean
Gum plant


Tadoba National Park is a popular Tiger reserve known as “The Land of Tigers” as large number of Tigers are found here, Aside from the keystone species , the Bengal Tiger, Tadoba Tiger reserve is home to other mammals, including

Land Mammals

  • Indian leopards
  • Sloth bears
  • Gaur
  • Nilgai
  • Dhole
  • Striped hyena
  • Small Indian Civit
  • Jungle Cats
  • Sambar
  • Sport deer
  • Chital
  • Chausingha
  • Honey Badger
Sloth Bear
Indian Gaur
Wild Dog (Dhole)

Reptiles include

  • Marsh Crocodile
  • Indian Python
  • Indian monitor
  • Terrapins
  • Indian star tortoise
  • Indian Cobra
  • Russell’s viper
Monitor Lizard
Russell’s viper


The lake is an omithologists paradise with a wide diversity of water birds, and raptors, 195 species of birds are been recorded including three endangered species.

  • Grey headed fish eagle
  • Crested serpent eagle
  • Changeable Hawk eagle
  • Orange headed Trush
  • Indian Pita
  • Stone Creek
  • Crested honey Buzzard
  • Bronze winged Jacana
  • Lesser Goldenbacked Woodpecker
  • Warblers
  • Black naped blue flycatcher
  • Peacock
Grey headed fish eagle
Paradise Fly Catcher
lesser golden backed woodpecker
Crested Treeswift
Stone Curlew


  • Butterflies (Pansies, Monarch, Mormons, Swordtails)
  • Danaid Egg fly
  • Great Egg fly
  • Dragon flies
  • Stick insects
  • Jewel bettles
  • Praying Mantis
  • Spiders (Signature spider, Giant wood spider, Red wood spider, Wolf Spiders, Crab Spider, Lynx Spider)
Monarch butterfly
Daniad eggfly
Jewel bettle
Stick insect
Praying Mantis

There are many amazing creatures like spiders creat their own world in it spiders like.

Giant wood spider (Nephila pilipes) is a species of golden orb-web spider. It resides all over countries in east and South East Asia Like India as well as Oceania. It is commonly found in primary and secondary forests and gardens.

Argiope anasuja is a species of harmless orb-weaver spider found from the Seychelles to India, Pakistan and Srilanka and in Maldives

The redwood spider belongs to the genus Callobius of the Amaurobiidae family of spider, one of nearly 30 species in this family. It also goes by the names hacklemesh weaver, tangled nest spider or night spider.


Winter stretch from November to February, during the season, daytime temperatures are in the 25-30°C range and the park is lush green. While summers are extremely hot in Tadoba, with the temperature rising to 47°C, it is the ideal time to sight mammals near Lakes as vegetation is minimal. The monsoon season begins in June the area receives heavy rainfall during this season (approx 1274mm) and humidity hovers around 66%.

Threats to Forests

There are 41,644 people living in and around the reserve in fifty nine villages of which five are inside the core zone. These villages in the core zone still farm inside the core area. The process of rehabilitation is going on. Recently the Navegaon village was rehabilated, and grassland is expected on the place where the village existed. There are 41,820 cattle within the core and buffer zone. While cattle grazing is not allowed in the core zone, regulated grazing in the buffer zone is allowed to cattle of the village inhabitants. However cattle in peripheral villages sometimes find their way into the reserve and cause additional damage to the habitat.

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Real King of Jungle The Tiger

The Sundarbans National Park

Also view my older blogs with Info and images


The Sundarbans National Park is a national park, Tiger reserve and biosphere reserve in West Bengal, India. It is a part of the Sundarbans on the Ganges Delta, and adjacent to the Sundarbans Reserve Forest in Bangladesh. The delta is densely covered by mangrove forests, and is one of the largest reserves for the Bengal Tigers. It is also home to a variety of bird, reptile and invertebrate species including the saltwater crocodile. The present Sundarban National Park was declared as the core area of Sundarban Tiger Reserve in 1973 and a wildlife sanctuary in 1977. On 4 May 1984 it was declared as National Park. It has been designated as a Ramsar site since 2019. It is considered as a World Network of Biosphere Reserve (Man and Biosphere Reserve) from 1989.


Map of the protected Areas of the Indian Sundarban, showing the boundaries of the tiger reserve, the national park and the three wildlife sanctuaries, conservation and lodging centres, subsistence towns and access points. The entire forested (dark green) area constitutes the biosphere reserve, with the remaining forests outside the national park and wildlife sanctuaries being given the status of a primary reserve forest.

The park receives financial aid from the state government as well as the Ministry of Environment and Forests under various plan and non-plan budgets. Additional funding is received under the Project Tiger from the Central Government. In 2001, a grant of US$20,000 was received as preparatory assistant for promotion between India and Bangladesh from the World Heritage Fund.

Geographic elements

The Sundarbans National Park is located between 21°432′-21°55’N latitude and between 88°42′-89°04’E longitude. The average altitude of the park is 7.5m above sea level. The park is composed of 54 small islands and intersected by several distributaries of the Ganges River.


The average minimum and maximum temperature is 20°C and 48°C respectively. Rainfall is heavy with humidity as high as 80% as it is close to the Bay of Bengal. The monsoon lasts from mid-June to mid-Sep. Prevailing wind is from the north and north-east from October to mid March and south-west westerlies prevails from mid March to September, storms which sometimes develop into cyclones are common during the months of May to October.

Eco-geography, rivers and watercourses

Seven main rivers and innumerable water courses form a network of channels at this estuarine delta. All the rivers have a southward course towards the sea. The eco-geography of this area is totally dependent on the tidal effect of two tides and two ebb tides occuring within 24hrs with a tidal range of 3-5m and up to 8m in normal spring tide, inundating the whole of Sundarban in varying depths. The tidal action deposits silts back on the channels and raising the bed, it forms new islands and creeks contributing to uncertain geomorphology. There is a great natural depression called “Swatch of no ground” in the Bay of Bengal between 21°00 to 21°22′ latitude where the depth of water changes suddenly from 20m to 500m. This mysterious depression pushes back the silts towards south and/or further east to form new islands.

List of 5 important rivers

Ganges(Ganga):- The Ganges or Ganga is a transboundary river of Asia which flows through India and Bangladesh. The 2,705km river originates from Gangotri Glacier of western Himalayas in Indian State of Uttarakhand and flows south and east through the Gangetic Plain of India and Bangladesh, eventually emptying into the Bay of Bengal.

Hooghly:- The Hooghly river or the Bhagirathi-Hooghly originally and in local tongues the Ganga and also called Kati Ganga, is an approximately 260km long (160mi) distributary of Ganga River in West bangal, India.

Padma:- The Padma river is a major river in India and Bangladesh, it is the main distributary of the Ganges, flowing generally south-east for 120km (75mi) to its confluence with the Meghna River near the Bay of Bengal, the city of Rajshahi is situated on the banks of river.

Brahmaputra:- The Brahmaputra river is a transboundary river which flows through Tibet, India and Bangladesh, it is the ninth largest river in the world river by discharge and the 15th longest.

Meghna:- The Meghna River is one of the major and holiest rivers in Bangladesh, one of the three that form the Ganges Delta, the largest delta on earth, which fans out Bay of Bangal.


The Sundarban Mudflats are found at estuary and on the deltaic islands where low velocity of river and tidal current occurs. The flats are exposed in low tides and submerged in high tides, thus being changed morphologically even in one tidal cycle. The interior parts of the mudflats are the right environment for mangroves, there are a number of mudflats outside the Sunderland National Park is a mudflats that have the potential to be tourist spots in the Sundarbans. One can visit them and enjoy the beauty of the place during low tide. If one is lucky, one can see sea anemones, Horsehoe crab(Nearing extinction) and small octopus

Horsehoe crab

Flora and Fauna

The natural environment and coastal ecosystem of this Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site is under threat of physical disaster due to unscientific and excessive human interferences. The coastal active delta of Sundarban at the mouth of Bay of Bengal in Bangladesh, having a complex geomorphologic and hydrological character with Climatic hazards, has a vast area of mangrove forests with a variety of flora and Fauna in the ecosystem.

Mangrove forest

Mangroves forest are the group of trees and shrubs that live in the coastal intertidal zone. There are 80 different species of mangrove trees. All of these trees grow in area of low oxygen soil, where slow moving waters allow fine sediments to accumulate.

Sundarban has achieved its name from the Sundari Tree. It is most exquisite variety of tree that are found in this area, a special kind of mangrove tree. It has specialised roots called pneumatophores which emerge above ground and help in gaseous exchange i.e respiration. During the rainy season when the entire forest is waterlogged, the spikes rising from the ground has their peak in the air and helps in the respiration process.

The Sundarbans forest is home to more than 400 Tigers. The Royal Bengal Tigers have developed a unique characteristics of swimming in the saline waters, and are famous for their eating tendencies. Tigers can be seen on the river banks sunbathing between November and February. More neighbourings like Fishing cats, Leopard cats, macaques, wild boar, Indian grey mangoose, fox, Jungle cat, Flying fox, chital are found in abundance in the Sundarbans.

Below are the list of Wildlife who survives in Sundarbans forest

Land animals

The Royal Bengal Tiger
Fishing Cat
Leopard Cat
Jungle Cat


  • Openbill storks
  • Black capped kingfisher
  • Black headed ibis
  • Water hens
  • Coots
  • Pheasant tailed Jacanas
  • Parish kites
  • Brahminy kite
  • Marsh Harrier’s
  • Swamp partridges
  • Red. Jungle fowl
  • Spotted doves
  • Common mynahs
  • Jungle crows
  • Jungle babblers
  • Cotton teals
  • Herring gulls. And many more
Openbill storks
Black capped kingfisher
Black headed ibis
Water hen
Pheasant tailed Jacanas
Spotted dove

Aquatic Animals

  • Sawfish
  • Butter fish
  • Electric fish
  • Electric rays
  • Silver Carp
  • Star fish
  • Common Carp
  • Horsehoe crab
  • Prawn
  • Shrimps
  • Gangetic dolphins
  • Skipping frogs
  • Common toads
  • Tree frogs
Tree frog
Common toad
Gangetic dolphin
Silver Carp
Electric ray
Saw fish


  • Estuarine Crocodile
  • Chameleon
  • Turtles
  • Hawksbill
  • Green turtle
  • Dog faced water snake
  • Russell’s viper
  • King cobra
  • Monitor Lizard
  • Red tailed bamboo pit viper
  • Common krait
King cobra
Green turtle
Olive Ridley
Red tailed bamboo pit viper
Common Krait

Endangered species

  • Royal Bengal Tiger
  • Saltwater crocodile
  • River terrapin
  • Olive Ridley turtle
  • Ganges River dolphin
  • Hawksbill turtle
  • Mangrove Horsehoe crab

Marine Mammals

  • Bryde’s Whales
  • Irrawaddy Dolphins
  • Ganges River dolphins
  • Chinese white dolphins
  • Finless porpoises
  • Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins
  • Spinner dolphins
  • Pantropical spotted dolphins
  • False killer whales
  • Rough toothed dolphins
Bryde’s Whale
Pantropical spotted dolphins
irrawaddy dolphin
Ganges River dolphin
Chinese white dolphin

Area Information

You can travel the park by boat, down the various lames formed by the many flowing rivers. Local boat’s or vessels operated by the West Bengal tourism development corporation, namely M V Chitrarekha and M V Sarbajaya. Accommodation land and cruise safaris are provided by Sundarbans Tiger Camp, the only government approved resort in the region. They conduct fixed viewing the wildlife from boat safaris, visitors also visit the Sajnekhali Bird Sanctuary, Bhagabatpur Crocodile Project (a crocodile breeding farm) Sagar Island, Jambudweep. Halifax Island and Kamal.

Cruise Safari
Jeep Safari
Boat Safari

Challenge’s found

Tiger Reserve has several has several challenges to its future operations. Due to wandering Tigers, human Tiger conflict continues to be an issue. Sundarbans Tigers hunt humans, and it is estimated that over a thousand of the local people have been killed by Tigers over the post four decades. An estimation of the number of Tigers present in the reserve using the refined method has not yet been completed. A Tiger conservation plan is awaited as are constitution for the State level Steering Committee under the Chairmanship of the Chief Minister and the reserve specific Tiger Conservation Foundation.


KiA 2015 economic assessment study of the Sundarbans estimated that the National park provides flow benefits worth INR 12.8 billion (approximately INR 50000 per hacter of land) annually. Important ecosystem services and their annual valuations include

  • Nursery function (INR 5.17 billion)
  • Gene pool protection (INR 2.87 billion)
  • Provisioning of fish (INR 1.6 billion)
  • Waste assimilation services (INR 1.5 billion)
  • Generation of Employment (INR 36 million)
  • Moderation of cyclonic storms (INR 275 million)
  • Provision of habitat and refugia for wild life (INR 360 million)
  • Sequestration of Carbon (INR 462 million)
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Lohagad “Iron Fort”


Lohagad “Iron fort” is one of the many hill fort of Maharashtra State. Situated  close to hill station Lonavla and 52km (32mi) northwest of Pune, Lohagad rises to an elevation of 1,033m (3,389ft) above sea level. The fort is connected to the neighbouring Visapur fort by a small range. The fort was under the Maratha Empire for the Majority of the time, with a short period of 5 years under the Mughal empire. Elevation:- 1,033m. Location:- Pune District, Maharashtra, India. Function:- Fortifications. Parent:- Western Ghats

Trekking route

Lohagad has a long history with several dynasties occupying it at different periods of time Satavahanas, Chalukyas, Rashtrakutas, Yadavas, Bahamanis, Nizam’s, Mughals and Marathas. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj captured it in 1648AD but he was forced to surrender it to the Mughals in 1655 AD by the Treaty of Purandar. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj recaptured the fort in 1670 AD and used it for keeping his treasury. This fort was used to keep the loot from Surat. Later in Peshwa time Nana Phadnavis used this fort living for sometime and built several structures in the fort such as a big tank and a step-well. The lohagad fort also has caves on it’s south side facing Lohagadwadi.

Geography and Climate
Lohagad is part of the Western Ghats. It rises to an elevation of 1,033m (3,389ft) above sea level, and is located to the south-west of the Visapur fort. The range divides the basins of the Indrayani River and Pavana Lake. Lohagad overlooks the Pavana reservoirs, located to the south of the mountain. The hills extends to the North West to a fortified spur, called Vinchukada (scorpion’s tail) because to its resembling shape. The four large gates of Lohagad are still in good condition and reasonably intact. During the monsoon, the top of the fort is covered with mist and clouds and becomes particularly wet with growing moss. The roads and trails leading to the hill are quite slippery at this time of the year and precautions are necessary to be taken while venturing the routes.


Lohagad fort can be accessed by various modes of travel. The nearest airport is the Pune International Airport. The proposed Navi Mumbai International Airport will serve as the nearest airport in the coming future. The nearest train station is Malavli, which can be accessed by suburban trains between Lonavala and Pune. The nearest major train station is Lonavla, on the Mumbai-Pune railway line. Lohagad is connected by the Mumbai-Pune Highway and can also be accessed from Paid via Kolvan and Dudhiware Khind for all vehicles. People can hike all the way to the fort. Bhaja caves is on the way to Lohagad if a small diversion is taken. This walk is particular favourite for trekkers, especially in the monsoon season. It is a simple, very scenic and pleasant trek and the distance from Malavli and Lohagad can be covered in around 2 hrs. A tar road exists all the way to the Top from Malavli station and one can hire a tempo or cap to the top. The best season to visit is monsoons it is absolutely safe and many vendors selling onion fritters and lemonade are present by the roadside. One can also cut across the hills as well.The fort has around 350 steps from the base, and it is not advisable to take a personal car as the road is single lane, sleep & very Bad. Variety of Insects can also be spotted in these hills.

Nearby attractions

  • Bhaja caves – 2km (1.2mi) from Malavli, once home to Buddhist monks.
  • Karla Caves
  • Lonavla 20km (12mi), famous and scenic hill station.
  • Aamby Valley City – 22km (14mi) from Lonavala.
  • Visapur

Bhaja caves
It is a group of 22 rock cut caves dating back to the 2nd century BC located in the city of Pune, India. The caves are 400 feet above the village of Bhaja, on an important ancient trade route running from the Arebian sea eastward into the Deccan plateau (the division between North India and South India). The inscription and the cave temple is protected as a Monument of National importance, by the Archaeological Survey of India per Notification no 2407-A.

Bhaja Caves

Karla Caves
It is complex of ancient Buddhist Indian rock-cut caves at Karli near Lonavla, Maharashtra. It is just 10.9 kilometers away from Lonavala. Other caves in the area are Bhaja Caves, Patan Buddhist cave, Bedse caves and Nashik caves. The shrines were developed over the period from the 2nd century BCE to the 5th century CE. The oldest of the cave shrines is believed to date back to 160 BCE. having arisen near a major ancient trade route, running eastward from the Arabian into the Deccan.

Karla Caves

Refer to Lonavla blog in my explore menu.

Aamby Valley City
It is a township developed by the Sahara India Pariwar in Pune District in the Indian state of Maharashtra. It is about 23km (14mi) from Lonavala, 87km (54mi) from the city of Pune and 120km (75mi) from the city Mumbai. The township is connected by road of Mahabaleshwer. City is spread over 10,600 acres (4300ha) of hilly terrain. 3 large Man made lakes have been created by constructing dams. The largest lake is 1.5km in length, it also boasts of a PGA 18 hole golf course. This city was so designed and master planned by Gruen-Bobby Mukherji and Associates in the year 2003.

Aamby Valley City

Visapur Fort
It is at a Higher altitudes than Lohagad fort, water tanks, old houses, arch, waterfalls, temples are on the Sahyadri Fort. There are two buildings which are Roofless now, are government offices from the past. A stone built home at Visapur fort called Peshwas Wada popularly. Lord Hanuman carving seen the fort, there are many temples dedicated to him at the fort. Visapur is an ideal trekking destination near Mumbai, Pune, Lonavla.

Visapur fort

Below are the Clicked images at the top of the Fort with details

Shiva Temple built from black rock one of the toughest rocks in the world.

A statue of Lord Hanuman sculpted in between in the water tank

Sculpted rock as Shiv Ling built in between the walking path.

Broken bridge, people used to travel from one end to another from above the stored water.

Cannon which been used by Great Marathas during wars, Weighing Almost more than a one ton approx.

Roller not in a normal size as compared to household one

Mud crab specially found inside the Fort territory still exists.

Highest point at the Fort, holding the saffron colour flag, which is dedicated to GREAT MARATHA WARRIORS.

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Sanjay Gandhi National Park

Main entrance


It is a 87kmsq (34 sq mi) protected area in Mumbai, Maharashtra State in India. It was established in 1996 with headquarters at Borivali. It is notable as one of the major national park existing within a metropolis limit is one of the most visited park in the world. The rich Flora and Fauna of Sanjay Gandhi National Park attracts more than 2 million visitors every year, also visiting 2500 year old Kanheri caves sculpted out of the rocky cliffs which lies with the park.


The Sanjay Gandhi National Park area has long written history dating back to the 4th Century BCE. In ancient India, Sopara and Kalyan were two ports in the Vicinity that traded with ancient Civilizations such as Greece and Mesopotamia. The 45km (28mi) land route between these two ports was partially through this forest. The Kanheri caves in the centre of the park were an important Buddhist learning centre and pilgrimage site sculpted by Buddhist monks between the 9th and the 1st centuries BCE. They were chiselled out of a massive basaltic rock outcropping.

Kanheri cave


The park occupies most of the Northern Suburbs of Mumbai. To the west lie the suburbs of Goregaon, Malad, Kandivali, Borivali and Dahisar. To the east lie the Suburbs of Bhandup and Mulund. To the south lies the Aarey Milk Colony and the university campus of IIT Bombay. The Northern reaches of this forests lie in Thane city. The park and these areas surrounding it, except Thane city are all parts of Mumbai. It is only forest located within the limits of a city. The region is hilly with elevations between 30m (98ft) and 480m (1,570ft). The park has two lakes, Vihar lake and Tulsi lake. Which meet a part of the citys water requirements. The park is said to be lungs of the city as it purifies much of the air pollution of the City.

Tulsi lake
Vihar lake


The park is a bustling forest, with an estimated 800 types of mauve. This flower is native to the park and the surrounding regions, including karnala, the Yeoor hills, Tungareshwar and some parts of Goregaon Film City. The park is also home to small population of Leopards.


The park is home to numbers of endangered species of Flora and Fauna. The forest area of the park houses over 1,000 plant species 251 species of migratory land and water birds 5000 species of insects 40 species of Mammals. In addition the park also provides shelter to 38 species of reptiles 9 species of Amphibians 150 species of butterflies and large variety of Fishes.


Kadamba, teak, Karanj, Shisham and species of acacia, ziziphus, euphorbia, flame of the forests, red silk cotton and number of other varieties of flower. Karvi or karvy a flowering plant that blossoms once in eight years can be found in the park.


The forest cover in the park helps provide the ideal habitat for many wild animals.

  • Chital(Spotted deer)
  • Rhesus macaques
  • Bonnet macaques
  • Indian hare
  • Muntjac (barking deer)
  • Porcupine
  • Asian palm civet
  • Chevrotain(mouse deer)
  • Grey langur
  • Indian flying fox
  • Sambar deer
  • Leopard
  • Striped hyena
  • Four horned antelope
  • Crocodile
  • Pythons
  • Cobras
  • Monitor Lizards
  • Russell’s viper
  • Bamboo pit viper
  • Ceylonese cat snakes
Spotted deer
Striped hyena
Indian hare
Bamboo pit viper

List of Insects

  • Blue Mormon
  • Blue oak leaf
  • Jezebel
  • Yellow and white orange tip
  • Tiger butterfly
  • Eggflies
  • Sailers
  • Moths
Blue Mormon
Tiger butterfly
White & orange tip butterfly

List of birds

  • Jungle owlets
  • Golden Orioles
  • Racket-tailed drongos
  • Minivets
  • Magpies
  • Robins
  • Hornbills
  • Bulbuls
  • Sunbirds
  • Peacock
  • Woodpecker’s
  • Paradise catcher
  • Kingfisher
  • Mynsd
  • Swifts
  • Gulls
  • Egrets
  • Herons
Jungle owlets

Threats to Forest and Wildlife

The park has faced number of problems similar to those faced by national parks elsewhere in the world, involving conflicts between natural and human interests.

  • In the early 2000s a road as proposed would have cut through the park. Animal activists Tarun Nayar went to court to halt this project.
  • The lack of space in Mumbai has pushed residential colonies right up to the park boundary. This boundary is poorly fenced and wild animals often wander into human habitation, Slums have mushroomed around the park as well.
Leopard near Residence

In 2004, leopards were responsible for the death of 20 humans within the spam of a week. This was not a first attack on pets and humans. On 16 July 2012 a seven year old girl was killed in Mulund right outside her home by a leopard. A year later a 40 year old women was attacked and killed by a leopard in Bhiwandi and the list goes on.

  • Poaching unfortunately Sanjay Gandhi National Park has many poachers in recent years. Usually leopards are attacked in many cases these animals had been poisoned and claws or other valuable body parts were cut off and sold. Poaching could wipe out Mumbai’s leopard population.
Leopard skin for sale
  • Fire:- During the summer and any time before the monsoon, fires burn in the park, at least once every two weeks, this has resulted in the loss of trees and the loss for wild animals. The local are often suspected of burning the trees on some of the outskirts of the forest to build their homes. Sanjay Gandhi National Park is said to be one of the most visited national park, according to estimate, around 2 million visitors visit the park annually. Collection at the gates in November 2004 touched INR 9.8 MILLION (US $ 140,000)
Forest fire

Boating:- Boating service is available near the Van Rani starting point with 2 and 4 seater pedalos for sailing in the small Lake, which has a view bridge where visitors can stand and watch boat’s in water.

Tiger and lion Safaris:- Main attractions of the park are lion and Tiger safaris for encouraging eco-tourism. The lion safari is a 20 minute ride through a 12ha (29.65acres) fenced forests area is one of the parks green busses. The park is home to an estimated 25 lions and lionesses of which only 2 can be only seen at close range from the caged busses. There are 4 Tigers that are kept semi-confined in a 20ha(49.42 acres) fenced area that is toured by the buses. A 5m(16.40ft) high and 2,200m (7,217.85ft) long protective fencing surrounds the area.

Tiger and Lion Cub

Walking trails:- There are number of public walking trails in the national park. The popular Ashok Van trail winds through thick forest to a dense cluster of Ashoka trees that are a welcome halfway resting spot. The return journey is usually via the ‘Gaumukh’ trail that leads to an open volcanic rock face and ends at the Kanheri caves. A more challenging route is the ‘View point’ trail and leads to the highest point of Mumbai, which affords a panoramic view of the city and its three lakes – Tulsi lake, Vihar lake and Powai lake.

Jain Temple:- In the forest there is famous Jain temple called Trimurti which means 3 idols. This Temple is widely visited by Digambar sect of the Jain community. It has three huge idols of lord Adinath and his 2 sons, lord Bahubali and Lord Bharat. The statue of Rishabhanatha is 31 feet in height and the tallest of all the three on eighter side are the statues of Bharata and Bahubali each being 28 feet tall. There is a 51 foot Kirti stambh (pillar of glory) also present there. Many Muni Maharaj (Jain saints) often stay here and preach to their followers before moving on.

Digambar Jain temple

Kanheri caves:- The Kanheri caves are a protected archaeological site 19°12’30″N 72°54’23″E. The caves were sculpted by Buddhist residents around the 1st Century BCE. The area was a settlement that once served as inns for travellers. The word Kanheri comes from the Sanskrit word Krishnagiri which means “Black mountain”. Seven Buddhist caves older than Kanheri caves have also been discovered very recently. Detailed exploration and documentation is awaited from the Archaeological survey of India.

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Aarey Colony

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Grass field


Aarey Forest (also known as Aarey Milk Colony and Aarey Colony) is an urban, unclassed and degraded forest which is within the eco sensitive zone of Sanjay Gandhi National Park. It is classified as mixed moist deciduous type forest. It àcts as a buffer between Sanjay Gandhi National Park and City. Being one of the few green spaces (spread over 2000acres) left in Mumbai. On 3rd approximate of 600acres, as a reserved forest.

Aarey forest (Bird view)

Flora & Fauna

Aarey Forest has many species of wildlife and insects, butterflies and birds, it has atleast 86 species.of trees and 22 species of birds. A recent report submitted to the state highlights the rich biodiversity inside Aarey. There are about 290 species of wildlife in Aarey forest including 5 such species of Animals which feature in the International Union for Conservation of Nature. These Vulnerable animals include leopards, Rusty spotted cat, sambar deer, Alexandrine Parakeet and Red_Wattled Lapwings.

Sambar deer
Rusty spotted Cat
Alexandrine Parakeet

Aarey is known to have potential to show human-leopard coexistence in an urban setting. There are 4 adult female named Adarsh Nagar, Bindu, Chandani and Luna. An RTI has revealed that from 2016-2018, seven leopard was saved. While Aarey has been infamous for leopard attacks, research by Centre for wildlife studies revealed that leopards are actually afraid of humans and highlighted that poor garbage disposal and newly released leopards in a same environment have caused attack.


Aarey has been an unexplored and understudied area. Environmental researchers found two new jumping spiders in 2017 Langelurillus onyx and Langelurillus lacteus.

Aarey Tribes

There are around 27 Tribes hamlets known as Padas in Marathi and other smaller hamlets in Aarey some of Tribes that the original inhabitants belongs to are Katkaris, Mahadev Kolis, Mallar Kolis and Warlis. The tribals in the area Farms and cultivate various fruits and vegetables. Among other which are the sold in markets for a livelihood. They have suffered on account of basic amenities not provided by the government and also the rapid degradation of the forest and drive to displace tribals has impacted their sustainable lifestyle and means of livelihood.

Below are the tribes

  1. Keltipada
  2. Damupada
  3. Chafyachapada
  4. Naushachapada
  5. Futkyachapada
  6. Nimbarpada
  7. Prajapurpadas
  8. Vaanichapada
  9. Bhurikhanpada
  10. Khadakpada
  11. Gaondevipada
  12. Habalpada
  13. Devipada
  14. Saibangodapada
  15. Maroshipasa
  16. Chandra devpada
  17. Jivachapada
  18. Morachapada
  19. Ultanpada
  20. Navapada

Aarey as Archaeological site

In the Mumbai-Salsette exploration project, BARC (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre) and CEMS (Centre for extra mural studies) have found relics, tribal artefacts dating back to the Shilahara Dynasty/ Sheelar Yadav Period (765-1029 AD) in Aarey. These findings threw new light on Aarey as an archaeological site and having significant historical and cultural importance. Aarey milk Colony at Goregaon East was established in 1949 and in 1951 the dairy at Aarey was inaugurated by the then Prime minister PANDIT JAWAHARLAL NEHRU, the colony was vision of Mr Dara khurody a pioneer of dairy sector who shared the ‘1963’ ramson Magsaysay Award with Dr Verghese kurien for revolitionizing the processing and marketing of milk in Mumbai.

Lake of Chotta Kashmir

Aarey forest includes 12 villages, Sai Gundgav, Film city, Royal Palm, Dindoshi, Aarey, Pahadi Goregaon, Maroshi etc. In 1977 around 200ha of ground was carved out from Aarey village to establish Film city. The colony Is spread over 16km(6 sq mi) and is located off the western Express Highway, among the popular attractions in Aarey are Chotta Kashmir with a lake and a picnic spot. Aarey also have gardens, nursery, lakes and observation.pavilion, picnic facility, milk plants, 16000 catlle are reared on 1287ha of land (3180 acres) of land and 32 cattle farms.

Chota Kashmir lake


This place name bangoda is very popular for its weekends enjoyment, place is between the lake full of surrounded water and beautified by trees, The lake which can be enjoyed is called Powai lake, lake contains 1000 species of different animals, it also the source of water. Villagers practice fishing in the lake, during rainy season lake is to dangerous for swimming or boating.

Morning view of Bangoda

During night this place is unsafe to travel or to stay because of wild animals like leopard and crocodile(muggar).

Ownership pattern

The Aarey Milk Colony occupies a total area of 3,166 acres (1,281ha) of land out of which the area available for cultivation of quality fodder and grasses is 400acres (160ha) only. Land is also leased out to various organizations and institutions of Maharashtra State Government and Central Government of India.

  • Total land given to Central Government of India institutions (Central Poultry Farm, Modern Bakery, NDDB, RBI)-229.92
  • Total land given to the Maharashtra State Government Institutions (Mumbai veterinary College, SRP, MHADA, MCGB, Film City, Fishery)-729.12
  • Area under road and buildings-460.00
  • Area uncultivated and waste land under nullahs, lake, farm bunds, farm roads, river channels-1,020.20
  • Area under lawns and gardens, para grass and orchads-537.00
  • Land and the social forestry land etc-183.00
  • Total-3,160.00

The main objective to erect such colony

  • Shifting of cattle/buffalo from the city limits.
  • Supply of better quality milk to the citizens of Mumbai at cheaper cost.
  • Maintenance of animals on scientific and modern animal husbandry practices.


The roads within Aarey are lonely and late night travel should be avoided between 10pm to 7am. The thick vegetation hides wild animals like leopard who usually prey on stray dogs and feral pigs. In recent years increased human encroachment into leopard territory and shortage of prey density in the neighbouring SGNP have turned some leopards into man eaters. On 22 December 2016, the headless body of a 22 year old boy, Brandon Gonsalves was found beheaded at Unit 2 to Aarey Colony. A part of Criminal activities like murders, road robberies and occult practices there are apocryphal tales of ghost’s trying to hitch rides.

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